Travel Marketing

It’s just Google’s world and we’re all living in it. And now that’s a mobile-first world, Google’s rewriting the rules of the internet. Again. Google recently announced that it will prioritize mobile-first indexes over desktop indexes. If you are wondering what that means, then here’s a translation in plain English: Google will use the mobile version of a site’s content to rank pages from that site, even when you are searching from a desktop.

Thought leadership is important, particularly for agencies or consultants looking to attract clients. Before you roll your eyes: we’re not advocating for tossing “Thought Leader” in your LinkedIn bio and expecting business to just roll in. However, we are saying that the habits of thought leaders—sharing ideas via blogging, speaking publicly, recording podcasts, distributing newsletters, etc.—are most definitely ways that you can increase the authority, competitive advantage, and visibility of your company. Unlike “synergy” and “hacking,” thought leadership is a buzzword worth unpacking. Let us explain.

We live in the Age of Information overload. With so much coming at us, it’s difficult to keep up with our reading lists. Because of this overbearing trend, it's especially important for agency principals to understand how the way people interact with brands is changing. Snapchat’s in today, but what about tomorrow? To help stay up to speed, here’s our list of 14 best advertising publications that every agency principal should be reading.
